Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saturday Night

I was up in SL for the Young Women's General Meeting and ducked away to visit Dave and Hannah at the hospital. Dave was pretty tired and I interrupted his nap but we had a nice visit. Mr Averett (Hannah's teacher) had brought up two scrapbooks filled with get well cards that all the first graders had made. I read through a few of them and they brought me to tears. Okay, that's really not that hard to do...They were so sweet. One little girl had written, "Hannah, Remember the game we were playing? I miss you. Get well soon." Thanks for all the work you put into that Mr. Averett, Mrs Marchello, Mrs. Erramouspe, and Ms. Ritchie. Hannah's going to love reading those.

Our neighbors Sam and Annie also dropped in for a visit and brought lots of gifts. Sam has been a great help to us since he knows the ins and outs of PCMC.

Yesterday, they took her off the ventilator for an hour and she breathed on her own, although it was labored due to her bruised lung and broken ribs. Last night they took her off the sedation meds and she actually opened her eyes!!!! Yay Hannah! You can do it!! Keep fighting, girl!!!

Dave has read this blog and the comments and is very touched (to say the least). He is so surprised and overwhelmed at the generosity, prayers and well-wishes that have been expressed for his family and wants to tell everyone "Thank you, thank you, thank you".


Anonymous said...

Dave... I want you to know Hannah is in our thoughts and prayers.

Kelly (Anderson) Lane

celia said...

Wonderful progress. Hannah sounds like a real fighter. Good going.

waynejj said...

still in our prayers and so happy to read of Hannah's progress. Keep on fighting to get back out there Hannah, so many miss you -- Love from the Florida Jespersens.

Obtuse1 said...

It's exciting that Hannah is making progress. We're so hopeful for her recovery and praying for her to get well soon.

Angie said...

We're friends of Amy's. We are praying for Hannah at our house.