Saturday, December 26, 2009

Afternoon on the ice

Jenny and Ryan are in town for Christmas so we decided to do something fun with the kids today.  We rented skates for everyone and went out to the fairgrounds for a little ice skating party.  The kids caught on quickly and Jenny showed a surprisingly natural ability for ice skating.  I was minding my own business skating down the bumpy rink when my toe caught and I pitched forward slamming my knee directly on the ice.  The pain didn't go away and it was getting stiffer by the minute so I went to sit down.  In the meantime, everyone was having a good time.  Ryan and Jenny were doing all kinds of funny tricks, Ryan was filming, pops was helping the kids out. 

We were just winding down, enjoying some hot chocolate when Ryan hit the ice catching himself with his hands.  He heard a pop and was in instant pain.  He and Jenny headed to the emergency room where they spent the next 5 hours.  Turns out his elbow is fractured so they are heading home a couple days early to get that taken care of asap.  

Not long before we left, Luka was scooting around on the ice in her snow boots, doing just fine when she fell hard and hit her nose resulting in a bloody, boogery mess.  What a day!  We should have done something sledding.


Obtuse1 said...

I can't believe the ice beat you guys up so bad. I hope everyone heals! I've never had any desire to ice skate and I have even less now.

Angie said...

Ouch. What a day. I have fond memories of free ice skating with you at the fairgrounds! I can't get over how much Josie looked liked Lindsay on your Christmas card! So fun to see your girls.